Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Okay well i didnt watch any sweet movies, but i thought that i would go into more details about my book. So its called "she's come undone" by Wally Lamb and its starts out normal enough; a little girl is suffering through her parent's divorce, Then her mother is sent to a mental hospital and she is forced to live with her grandmother. Then unfortunately she is raped by this guy that lives in her building. So then she is so depressed that she gains a bunch of weight, and her mother is killed. Then she runs away, and she ends up having to go to the mental hospital just like her mom had to. well im not finished reading it yet, but now she is out of the mental hospital and in the middle of a bad marriage. So far, its a good book but kinda wierd and perverted in parts. so ya thats all folks .. Byyyeee (l)

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