Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Okay well i didnt watch any sweet movies, but i thought that i would go into more details about my book. So its called "she's come undone" by Wally Lamb and its starts out normal enough; a little girl is suffering through her parent's divorce, Then her mother is sent to a mental hospital and she is forced to live with her grandmother. Then unfortunately she is raped by this guy that lives in her building. So then she is so depressed that she gains a bunch of weight, and her mother is killed. Then she runs away, and she ends up having to go to the mental hospital just like her mom had to. well im not finished reading it yet, but now she is out of the mental hospital and in the middle of a bad marriage. So far, its a good book but kinda wierd and perverted in parts. so ya thats all folks .. Byyyeee (l)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hey... Have not been feeling too well think im coming down with something.. or worse. I'm still fighting with Derek, too. ALSO I am reading this book called "She's come undone" by Wally Lamb. Its a really good book, BUT it is very wierd... not a g-rated book if u know what I mean. anyways I have work to do. Adios...LURRVE YA

Monday, April 23, 2007

Dont want no drama

So anyways.....monday mornong back from a dramatic weekend! On Friday just sat bord outta my mind!! Then on saturday i had the hugest reality check! DEREK FLETCHER acted so frikken RUDE after some DANK though a rock at San's car. HE told me that it was about time that i f'd off and went home... also then his little friend has been talkin smack about me n the homegirls lol hahahahahaha......douch. so then he pulled off his little pattern where he tries to act like everything is cool between us. But i wouldnt accept his apology. i told him..hope you enjoy your new life where Sheila is your only friend. im so mad that he would take her side over mine and Jazmen's. O well why does he need me when he's got friends like her! (note the sarcasm.) Anyways that was a waste of Waynes Bday this weekend... im sooooooo Excited! Dunno what we are doin yet.. i may be smelling a party in the works .. INVITE ONLY IF YA KNO WAT I MEAN ha. anyway LUUURVE LUUURRVE LUURVE u.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Omg that was a crazy little school wide write thingy... i wrote about giving flowers to my dad when i was little..sweet eh? So ya im still in a daze over Shia Labeouf. (mmm) anyways so i have like NO plans this weekend and it sucks... kayy leave me a comment.. what are you doing this weekend? i watched happy feet this weekend.. i thiught it was gunna be way better... but it wasnt anyways Last night i drank midly with Sandy Candy. sweeeet not. okay BYEEEEEEEEEE :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Omg What The he** !? leave a comment.. (jaz) do you think Copperthorn is a major Hickie? Thats what Kay said...dhhannng. oh well. thats all. bye.

Shia Labeouf

So I watched Disturbia this weekend with Kay, Jaz, Manda, and Sami Jo, AND its a concenus... Shia Labeouf is HOT HOT HOT. Omg he he makes the movie. He stars as this kid who's dad dies and then he is like a badass so he punches his spanish teacher. then he is under house arrest. So he starts to get bored and watches his neighbors, and falls in love with this fgirl (Lucky duckie) and his other neighbor turns out to be this killer dude .... and i dont want to ruin it. My advice is to go see this movie ASAP. and girls if youre going make sure you wear lots of deoderant because he is so so so so so so so so so so so SMOKIN' mmmmmm. let me get back to my disturbing fantasies about " Disturbia"......

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Heres the plan

Okay so heres the bright idea: Kay will have her N in November and Jaz will have hers in October, so our idea/ plan is to go to Ashcroft next year for grad. Im half in on this because im all for a bigger, better, grad and meeting new people, But then theres always the fact that i know like 3 people there, and also everyone is so snobby but we will see what happens. I have to go to the doctor today..poop. im not looking forward to that and then i have to study for my stupid Socails test. WW2 I almost punched Travis in the face today because he hit me with a bottle cap.GRRR anyway im sooo tired. Hopefully going to Cache tommorow! Get better Kayy. :(

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter weekend // Cache partae

So my Easter weekend was okay i guess. I got to see my family so that was very very nice. My Nieces and Nephews get kindoff annoying after a while. On Thursday i went to the party in Cache with Kay. Yet again our attempts to avoid certain people failed enevitably. and DANA was there too :D lol Most of the boys were so stuck up! then the week before was just as interesting. Ross slept on the roof! and i learned a valuable lesson: RICH BOYS JUST DONT GIVE A **** and that when all goes wrong all you gotta do is THROW SOME DIES' ON IT! exactly. i also saw some people i knew in Cache like Dana, and Copperthorn :S ha. anyways that's all history..this weekend is still a mystery to me. probly go to Kays and hopefully chill with sum homees :D TTFN

Monday, April 2, 2007

The squid and the whale has to be the weirdest movie i have ever watched in my life. Its about these two boys and their parents are going through a divorce, and all about how they handle it in different ways. The two boys are Totally creepers and i Do not recomend this movie to anyone. These boys were acting out and ya.. Divorce is bad. it reminded me of the virgin suicides, which is the second stupidest movie i have ever seen. in that movie it goes on about pointless dumb crap and then the girls all commit suicide and then its over.. HOW POINTLESS IS THAT? lol well ya i have to take some more pics.

another pic

I think this is also a good example of the rule of thirds. This is an older pic from the summer but i love love love it!:)

piczo #2

This picture catches my eye because it looks kinda unique to me. and who woulda thought that Fire Hydrants could be lonley!? Fittingly I call this one the lonley fire hydrant.